Founded in 1977, The Sport Stop started off small with a limited amount of sporting goods and footwear. Eventually, the store was able to expand into more categories and break into the outdoor market. Karen Powers bought out her partner and brought in her daughter, Michelle Maneval, as her partner and General Manager. The Sport Stop, LTD now occupies several storefronts in Historic Downtown Sheridan.

At The Sport Stop, the staff members believe in the products they stock and in their knowledge about them. Manager, Roger Martinez, enjoys talking with people about the outdoors and the brands they carry. Roger walked around the store and showcased all of the products and styles The Sport Stop currently has in stock. He said the best part about their store is that there are prices to fit any budget! He held up a button-up shirt for around $30, then next to it a similar style for $70. It shows that the purchasing at the store is intentional for downtown. When speaking to Roger, one of the products he pointed out that he was most passionate about is the new Parakito brand mosquito repellant. Parakito is deet-free and comes as a roll-on applicator or a bracelet. This product comes at a stellar time because of the mass influx of mosquitos this year! Yay for rain, not so yay for the little insect monsters spoiling the outdoor experience.

Speaking of outdoor experience, if you are planning your next adventure or want to know what your next outdoor adventure should be, stop by The Sport Stop! With back-alley access, customer parking, and a freshly painted sign to showcase the entrance, you can’t miss them! And of course, the sidewalks will be open during construction so head on down and get your outdoor adventure on!